Do you love our product packaging as much as we do? We always hate throwing out our beautiful, pastel Hairlust packaging when they are empty. However, just because they're empty, doesn't mean they're useless. Our packaging is perfect for upcycling - all it needs is a new, simple, creative make-over!
It can be hard to think of clever new ways to recycle your old shampoo packaging. That is why we teamed up with the ultra-creative Lene Nissen, who runs the blog PeekaBoo Design, where she shares gorgeous DIYs and upcycles everything you can imagine. She was tasked with coming up with an imaginative way to give new life to our packaging, and she came up with these beautiful sun mirrors that you can easily make at home. Below, she explains how.

What you need:
- Hairlust packaging in your favorite pastel colors
- A small, round mirror
- A cup of yoghurt or skyr (1 liter)
- A small piece of string
- A cutting mat
- A ruler (preferably metal)
- A hobby knife
- A pair of scissors
- A glue gun

- Clean the packaging and make sure it is completely dry.
- Cut off the top and bottom of the packaging, then cute them open. Next, cut or trem them into strips of about 1 cm wide. The lengths may vary for each color you are using. Then cut the ends of the strips into small points.
- Turn the lid from the yoghurt cup upside down. Place the strips around the lid in the order you want. Make sure they are evenly spaced around the mirror, with the back/print facing upwards, so that it will not be visible when the mirror is finished.
- Heat up the glue gun and attach the strips, one color at a time.
- Cut a small piece of string, fold it into a loop and glue it to the edge at the back of the lid.
- Take the bottom of your yoghurt cup and glue it on top of the many strips, covering the ends of the strips and the ends of the loop.
- Turn it all over and glue the mirror into the front of the lid with the glue gun.
- And there you go! All that's left is to hang the mirror on the wall to add a little extra color to your home!