Hair Bleaching: All You Need to Know Before Going Bleach BlondeView all articles

Hair Bleaching: All You Need to Know Before Going Bleach Blonde

Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you’re curious about hair bleaching. But are you wondering how and if hair bleaching can damage your hair? Well, there is a risk (especially with repeated hair bleaching treatments) that the cuticle of the hair shaft stays permanently raised. Read all about hair bleaching and how to take care of your blonde hair and overall hair-health after the treatment is done.

Dreaming of going bleach blonde? While we love the look of bleach blonde hair, there’s no doubt about it: Hair bleach is not good for your hair. If you still want to take the plunge, read this article first. We’ll tell you how hair bleach works, common mistakes you should avoid, and how to take care of bleach blonde hair. Plus, we’ll tell you the best shampoo for blonde hair to keep your hair healthy, shiny, and cool-toned.


What is Hair Bleaching?

Hair bleaching is a chemical process that lightens your hair by stripping the pigment from your strands. Here’s how the process works:

  • An alkaline agent opens up the cuticle, the protective layer of the hair shaft.
  • An oxidative agent penetrates the hair shaft and dissolves melanin, the pigment that gives your hair its natural color.

The longer you leave hair bleach on your hair, the more pigment it dissolves and the lighter your hair becomes.

However, one application of hair bleach does not necessarily mean you’ll have white, bleach blonde hair. Depending on your hair’s natural color, your hair can end up yellow, orange, or red. Another hair bleaching process may be required to reach true bleach blonde hair.

How Hair Bleaching Affects Your Hair

So how does hair bleaching damage your hair? Well, there is a risk (especially with repeated hair bleaching treatments) that the cuticle of the hair shaft stays permanently raised. Hair with raised cuticles loses moisture rapidly, which leaves it brittle and prone to breakage. You know those horror stories of destroyed hair after a hair bleaching session gone wrong? That’s what’s happening!

Hair bleaching always damages hair to a certain extent, but it doesn’t need to get ugly as long as you follow proper after-care techniques (more on that later).

How Often Can You Use Hair Bleach?

If you’re going to begin hair bleaching, plan to wait six to eight weeks in between hair bleach appointments. This will allow your hair ample time to recover. Keep in mind that if your hair is darker than light brown, it will take more than one hair bleaching session to achieve bleach blonde hair. Do not bleach your hair in two back-to-back sessions. Instead, wait at least one week before further bleaching your hair. An experienced colorist can recommend when you should book your next bleaching appointment.

Did you know that lack of protein can make your hair lifeless and dry?

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Hair Bleach

1. Using Hair Bleach at Home

Trust us, this is a dye job you do NOT want to DIY. Hair bleaching is a tricky process and it’s difficult to get correct, even for experienced hairstylists. If you don’t do it correctly, you’re looking at major hair damage. Like, cut-off-all-your-hair breakage.

Do your research and find a colorist who specialises in bleach blondes before taking the plunge. Then make a consultation appointment to discuss your goals and hair history before the bleach goes anywhere near your hair.

2. Not Being Honest with Your Colorist

Hair bleach works best on hair that is virgin (meaning it’s never been chemically processed) and hair that is light brown or lighter in color. If you’ve ever colored your hair before, you need to tell your colorist before they apply the hair bleach. Why? Because when the hair bleach strips away your natural hair color, it may not affect areas of hair dye from previous dye jobs. And that can leave bands of unwanted pigment on your locks. Not what you want!

Give your hairstylist a clear account of all your previous hair colors for the best hair bleaching results.

If you have hair that is darker than light brown, you can still achieve bleach blonde hair. However, the process might take a few tries before you reach that icy, platinum shade.

3. Not Prepping Your Hair Beforehand

Hair bleach is damaging, so it’s a good idea to make sure your hair is in tip-top condition before going to your hair bleaching appointment. This will give your hair the best chance of staying healthy. Use a repairing conditioning mask like Split Fix™ Hair Mask in the two weeks leading up to your appointment.

Another tip: skip shampoo in the two days before your appointment since a freshly cleansed scalp is more likely to experience irritation from hair bleach.

4. Bleaching the Ends

If your ends are already light, they don’t need to be bleached again. Period. Applying more hair bleach to your ends puts you at greater risk for raising the hair’s cuticles permanently. And when that happens, you’re looking at breakage galore.

Alternatives to Hair Bleach: Different Ways to Lighten Hair

The most common bleaching agents are hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Some brands market themselves as “peroxide-free,” but don’t be fooled. These brands just use another hair bleaching agent that is just as damaging as peroxide.

So are there any natural alternatives to bleach? Well, not really. If you’re looking for that white bleach blonde hair look, you’ll have to use some kind of bleach.

If you just want to slightly lighten your natural hair color, you can try one of these options:

lemon juice chamomile sun honey hair bleach

Lemon Juice & Sun

Squeeze 2-3 fresh lemons and mix it with 2 tbsp. of oil and 200 ml of water in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture to hair. Let dry for a few hours in the sun. Then wash and condition. The conditioner will keep your hair from drying out.

Chamomile Tea & Sun

Some natural beauty bloggers claim that chamomile tea can give you blonde hair. For this method, you’ll need 2 cups of strong chamomile tea (use 5 bags of chamomile tea for 2 cups of boiled water) and the juice from 2-3 lemons. Mix the ingredients together and apply to hair using a spray bottle. Dry hair in the sun, then rinse and condition.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is another popular alternative to hair bleach. To try it at home, mix together 4-5 tbsp. raw honey with 100 ml distilled water, 1 tbsp. cinnamon, and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Let the mixture sit for one hour, then apply to damp hair. Leave the mixture in your hair for at least a few hours, then shampoo and condition hair.

Keep in mind, however, that although these methods for hair bleaching may be natural, they can still dry out and damage your hair.

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10 Hair Bleaching Aftercare Tips

Hair bleach is damaging, there’s no doubt about that. But you can still work to repair and strengthen your hair (plus avoid those annoying brassy tones) by following these tips:

1. Use the Best Shampoo for Blonde Hair

Use the Best Shampoo for Blonde Hair

This is the most important tip for the best aftercare of bleached hair. When it comes to bleach blonde hair, not all shampoos and conditioners are created equally. Natural blondes already know that they need violet-toned cleansers to prevent their hair from turning too yellow. If you’re a new bleach blonde, consider this your wake-up call!

Exposure to the elements, minerals in the water, product, and heat tools can turn your bleach blonde hair brassy. Violet-toned cleansing products like Enriched Blonde™ Duo neutralise those brassy tones so your hair can maintain its cool bleach blonde tone.

Hint: when you’re washing your hair with a special shampoo for dyed hair, use cold or lukewarm water. Hot water might feel good, but it will just dry out your blonde hair further.

2. Skip Some Washes

Skip Some Washes

That being said, even if you’re using the best shampoo for bleach blonde hair, it’s still wise to skip some washes. Why? Because this will allow your natural scalp oils to do what they’re supposed to do — moisturize your hair. You also won’t need to style your hair as often, which is definitely a good thing for bleach blondes.

If your hair looks greasy between washes, just apply a little dry shampoo powder to your roots.

3. Try Co-Washing

Try Co-Washing

With bleach blonde hair, you may have the opposite problem of oily roots: dry ends. If your ends feel like straw in between shampoos, try co-washing. Co-washing is when you wash hair with only a conditioner. This helps to restore some moisture to your parched strands without stripping away your scalp’s natural moisturizing oils.

4. Invest in an Intensive Hair Treatment for Bleach Blonde Hair

Invest in an Intensive Hair Treatment for Bleach Blonde Hair

This tip is super important. Bleach blonde also needs more moisture, so we suggest using Enriched Blonde™ Hair Mask with every other wash. This plant-based super conditioner moisturizes, nourishes, and repairs damaged hair, while keeping yellow tones at bay.

5. Use a Leave-In Conditioner

Use a Leave-In Conditioner

Anyone with blonde hair needs to have a good leave-in conditioner on hand. Our pick? Split Fix™ Leave-in Conditioner. It acts as a shield, locking in moisture and protecting your hair from daily environmental damage.

6. Nourish Your Blonde Hair with Protein

Nourish Your Blonde Hair with Protein

The protective cuticle layer of your hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Hair bleach damages this protein, which compromises the hair cuticle and leaves hair brittle.

To strengthen your strands, use a bi-weekly protein mask or treatment like Protein Repair™ Hair Mask. This fortifying mask adds protein back into your hair, making it stronger and more elastic.

7. Be Gentle with Your Hair, Especially When It’s Wet

Gentle with Your Hair

Bleach blonde hair is more brittle, so you’ll have to be extra careful when detangling. Use a wide-tooth comb or wet brush on wet hair and a hairbrush on dry hair. Always begin at the ends of the hair and gently work your way toward the root.

8. Cut Off the Damaged Ends

Cut Off the Damaged Ends

Did hair bleach leave your strands with split ends? Make an appointment for a trim. Split ends can continue to split up the hair shaft and break off, so it’s important to get regular trims to cut off the damaged ends. If you want to go beyond a trim, check out these long haircut ideas.

9. Learn Some No-Heat Styling Techniques

Learn Some No-Heat Styling Techniques

Bleach blonde hair is more porous, which means it’s more vulnerable to damage from heat styling. Now is the time to embrace your natural texture! But there is a benefit: hair bleach plumps hair strands, so you’ll naturally have a little bit more volume to work with.

It’s time to ditch the curling irons and straighteners and embrace some heat-free styling techniques. YouTube is a great resource for anyone looking to learn how to curl their hair sans heat or style their hair in cute heat-free updos! When you do style your hair with heat tools, make sure to use a high-quality heat protectant.

10. Take a Hair Supplement to Encourage Healthy Hair Growth

hairlust hair gummies

Hair that’s already healthy and strong responds better to hair bleaching. To make sure your roots are strong enough for hair bleach, try Hair Formula Gummies for Women. These vegan hair supplements are formulated with a concentrated dose of biotin, which promotes normal hair growth.

Hair Bleaching FAQs

  • 1. What is hair bleaching, and how does it work?

    Hair bleaching is a chemical process that lightens hair by stripping away its natural pigment. It involves opening the cuticle with an alkaline agent and dissolving melanin, the pigment responsible for hair color, with an oxidative agent.

  • 2. How can I care for my hair after bleaching?

    After bleaching, it's crucial to use specialized products like violet-toned shampoo and conditioner to neutralize brassy tones and maintain color. Additionally, practices like skipping some washes, using leave-in conditioner, and incorporating protein treatments can help repair and strengthen bleached hair.

  • 3. How can I style bleached hair without causing further damage?

    Embrace heat-free styling techniques to minimize damage from heat tools. Additionally, consider regular trims to remove damaged ends and maintain overall hair health.

If you still want to try bleach blonde hair after learning about the risks and maintenance, we say more power to you! By following these aftercare tips and especially using the best shampoo for blonde hair, you’ll be setting yourself up to see if blondes really do have more fun without all the damage!

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